Saturday, 16 May 2015

So, let's start !

Well, how to begin ? Par où commencer ?
This will be yet another web log, mostly about the late-evening woodworking that happens in a room of a city flat in Lausanne, Switzerland, after my day job as a software engineer. How exciting is that! Keep calm, and resume reading.

More specifically, this blog will serve as a replacement for my ex-website (someone bought the domaine name and turn it into an online shoe-shop... why?) and there will be things about, as said, woodworking, woodcarving, lute-making, and other-but-not-so-different things too. (I will however not say a word about the proper way to remove the curve from a banana, nor about how to put toothpaste back into the tube).

The focus shall remain set on the usage of traditionnal hand-tools, as opposed to noisy and dusty power-tools.

So, I officially beak a virtual champagne bottle on this log and declare it open.

I hope you'll enjoy the visit, and please leave an occasional message if you feel like it!

Read next post : Starting the renaissance lute

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